Full Field Production Services
Multi-Camera for Events and Conferences
Live Streaming of Events
Non-Profits: We work with non-profit organizations to raise public awareness and money. For a non-profit, media is the best option to explain ‘this is what we do; this is our mission.’ The non-profit world has many, many varieties—you need different types of media. You may need a 2 hour dramatic video to demonstrate Due Process Hearings because that is the reality you have—long and convoluted legal battles. You may need short media segments you can use to introduce your topic at speaking engagements. You may need a series of videos explaining disability rights. You can create a very positive atmosphere in just a few minutes with a video produced to achieve specific goals.
State Agencies: As a government agency, you provide a service that your level of government—local, State or Federal—has deemed a critical necessity to society. You are important! Your media needs are wide and varied. You need to have your service clearly visualized for your clients. They need to understand how you can help them. You have to produce materials in a variety of languages and make the materials available to people with disabilities. Your budget is oftern limited and may depend on winning a grant proposal. Sometimes you have to put the job out on bid.
Business Owners, Professional Speakers, Independent Service Providers: Is it important to you that people understand your service, your subject, or your abilities? We think so. You have so many media options available to spread your message and create your buzz. Short clips on your website, a short montage from your public speaking engagements, a brief, precise video explaining your business and philosphy and customer base. This does not have to be high-definition, high budget material. Most people will view it on the internet. You will be best served with a media plan that will help you distribute your message. Set goals, and make sure your media helps you meet them.